How to Change/Replace Blogger Icon(Favicon) With Your Own Icon in Blogger..
Favicon is small icon which is present besides any blog's/websites title in browsers tab. Having your own Favicon with a nice graphical reminder of your site beside is a good way to get visitors attention. In this post Today I am sharing a simple tricks to change or replace Blogger Icon(Favicon) With Your Own Icon. To change your favicon you don't need to edit any code in your template, it can be done from "favicon tab" present in Layout page.
How To Change Blogger Blog Favicon?
- Go to Blogger Dashboard > Layout
- Click in Edit on the Favicon Tab
- Now hit "Choose File" button.
- Browse for your own image(should be less than 100 KB) and select it.
- Blogger will automatically re-size it,and finally hit the "Save" button.
Now refresh your blog you will see your new favicon, If you can't then delete browsers cookies and caches then visit your blog.
Another Way To Change Blogger Blog Favicon
You can Change your blogger blog's favicon by another way too ..
- Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template
- Click Edit HTML
- Hit Proceed button
- Now find for below code in your template
add below code immediately after of above code
Replace URL OF YOUR ICON FILE with your own icon.
Now save your template and your work is done..........